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Website Development For EB Chinese School

Project Information's


EB Chinese School


Web Development


May 13, 2023


Alimosho, Lagos

The Challenge: No platform for a global reach & market dominance

Efe Best Chinese Training School (EBCTS), an esteemed educational and cultural institution in Lagos, Nigeria, recognized the need to effectively communicate the significance of learning the Chinese language and the vast career opportunities it could unlock. They also aimed to provide transparent information about their courses, pricing plans, and the founder’s credentials. Additionally, as a bridge between Nigerian and Chinese cultures, the school needed a platform to foster intercultural exchange. Their existing methods of communication didn’t offer the necessary depth and reach to convey their values and offerings.

The Results: Comprehensive Website Development

Addressing EBCTS’s goals, Pejul Digital Agency provided a comprehensive solution:

  • Website Development: We developed a dynamic website that effectively communicated EBCTS’s mission, values, and the significance of learning the Chinese language. The website served as a comprehensive platform for potential students and the community.
  • Founder’s Profile: We prominently featured the founder, Shuaibu-Yahaya Efe Moses, on the website. His educational background, certifications, and accolades were highlighted, showcasing his expertise and affirming the school’s commitment to quality education.
  • Course Details and Pricing Plans: The website featured detailed information about the courses offered, including duration, curriculum, and pricing plans. This transparency helped potential students make informed decisions.
  • Online Enrollment: An online enrollment form was integrated, enabling interested students to easily register for courses. This streamlined the enrollment process and provided a seamless user experience.
  • Chinese Language Integration: Given the nature of the school, we integrated a language translation feature that allowed the website to be viewed in Chinese. This catered to Chinese-speaking individuals interested in learning about the school.
  • Cultural Exchange Promotion: The website highlighted the school’s role in promoting intercultural exchange between Nigeria and China. This emphasized the broader impact of learning the Chinese language and engaging with Chinese culture.
  • Responsive Design: The website was designed to be responsive, ensuring optimal viewing and interaction across various devices.

Through this solution, EBCTS effectively communicated the value of learning Chinese, highlighted career opportunities, and provided transparent information about their courses. The website also emphasized the founder’s expertise and contributions to education. The integration of language translation and online enrollment enhanced user experience, while the focus on cultural exchange showcased the broader impact of language learning.

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